Recent News & Events

Research News

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Kyoto University SNSs.

(October 22, 2018)
Farewell Party

We had a farewell party for a PhD researcher Hideaki Konishi.

(September 03, 2018)
YouTube Research Talk

New YouTube video is released in Yoshimura Lab YouTube channel.

(August 20, 2018)
Farewell Party

We had a farewell party for an AMGEN Scholarship student Ona Ambrozaite.

(July 30, 2018)
Research Paper

Associate Professor Shige H Yoshimura and former PhD student Aiko Yoshida et al. published a paper in "PLOS Biology".
2018 May 3, available online
This work is featured on the Kyoto University website (in Japanese), The Nikkei (in Japanese) and AMED Website (in Japanese).
Yoshida A, Sakai N, Uekusa Y, Imaoka Y, Itagaki Y, Suzuki Y, Yoshimura SH. (2018) "Morphological changes of plasma membrane and protein assembly during clathrin-mdeiated endobytosis" PLOS Biology, 16(5):e2004786.

(July 26, 2018)
Study Camp

We had a Study Camp at "Fumin-no mori Hiyoshi". 2018 July 5-6.

(July 06, 2018)
Paper selected as "Top 100"

A paper by Hide A Konishi et al. published in Scientific Reports was selected as "Top 100 Scientific Reports cell biology papers in 2017"

Konishi HA, Asai S, Watanabe TM, and Yoshimura SH. (2017) "In vivo analysis of protein crowding within the nuclear pore complex in interphase and mitosis" Sci. Rep., 7 (5709)

(June 20, 2018)
Research Paper

Assistant Professor Masahiro Kumeta et al. published a paper in "Genes to Cells".
2018 June 13, available online
Kumeta M, Panina Y, Yamazaki H, Takeyasu K, Yoshimura SH. (2018) "N‐terminal dual lipidation‐coupled molecular targeting into the primary cilium" Genes to Cells,.

(June 15, 2018)
Visiting Student

AMGEN Scholarship student Ona Ambrozaite is visiting our Lab. She will stay for 2 months.

(June 12, 2018)
New Members

Hide A Konishi started his carrier as a Post-doctoral research staff.
Zi Xian Jiang promoted to PhD course.

(April 01, 2018)