ur research interests are focused on fundamental aspects of cellular events such as signal reception/transduction at the plasma membrane, intracellular vesicle transport, cytoplasm-nucleus communication, and nuclear architecture/genome folding. We employ a variety of techniques including fluorescence and atomic force microscopies, molecular dynamics, and bioinformatics together with conventional biochemical and molecular biological methods.
Recent New & Events
- Review Paper
- We published a new review paper in collaboration with Prof. Sakaue in Aoyama Gakuen University. (June 11, 2024)
- Visiting Student
- Vivian Joseph from Indian Institute of Technology is visiting our Lab by KU-STAR program (May 15, 2024)
- Ohanami Party
- We had a Ohanami party in the campus. (April 05, 2024)
- New Member
- A new postdoc Tomohiro Nobeyama arrived. Chiko Tokuda entered Master's course. (April 05, 2024)
- Review Paper
- Undergraduate student Hisashi Shimamura published a review paper in Biophysics and Physicobiology. (March 28, 2024)